Ninth Circuit
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Sour Grapes: Attorney’s Oral Agreement Might Be Okay if Fair, Just, and Fully Advised

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that a district court erred in declaring on summary judgment that an attorney had no ownership interest in a winery because the alleged agreement was made orally. The Ninth Circuit explained that there were triable issues of fact as to whether the attorney could rebut the presumption against oral agreements by showing that the transaction was fair and just and that the client was fully advised. Schrader Cellars, LLC v. Roach, Case Nos. 23-15862; -15990 (9th Cir. Feb. 21, 2025) (Smith, Bennett, Johnstone, JJ.)

Fred Schrader is the former owner of Schrader Cellars (Cellars). Robert Roach is a Texas attorney who claims to have entered into an oral agreement with Schrader regarding the creation of another company, RBS LLC, which Roach asserts has an ownership interest in Cellars. After Schrader sold Cellars in 2017, Roach sued Schrader in Texas state court, claiming that the sale was improper. In 2021, Cellars filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Northern District of California, seeking, among other things, a declaration that Roach did not have any ownership interest in Cellars. Roach asserted various counterclaims.

The district court granted summary judgment on Cellars’ request for declaratory relief and dismissed Roach’s counterclaims. The case proceeded to trial on Cellars’ remaining claim for breach of fiduciary duty. The district court instructed the jury that, as a matter of law, Roach had breached his fiduciary duties to Cellars, so the jury decided only the issue of harm. The jury found that Roach’s breach of fiduciary duty had harmed Cellars during the limitations period but did not award damages because of the “litigation privilege defense.” Roach appealed the summary judgment order.

The Ninth Circuit found that the district court erred in granting Cellars summary judgment. Roach argued that the district court erred in declaring that he had no ownership interest in Cellars via the purported RBS agreement. At summary judgment, Cellars argued that even if Roach’s version of the RBS oral agreement existed, Roach could not enforce it because it violated California Rules of Professional Responsibility, which require written advisories and disclosures. Relying on this provision, the district court concluded that even if an oral argument existed, it was unenforceable, and Roach therefore could not have any ownership interest in Cellars. The district court noted that although “[a]n attorney may rebut the presumption of undue influence by showing that ‘the dealing was fair and just,’ and ‘the client was fully advised[,]’ . . . Roach has made no such effort to rebut this presumption.”

The Ninth Circuit found that the district court erred because there were triable issues of fact concerning whether Roach rebutted the presumption regarding the alleged breach of his client duties. The Court explained that not only did Roach expressly argue fairness before the district court, but the basic facts of the case (when viewed in the light most favorable to Roach) demonstrated that the transaction was fair and just and that [...]

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Religious Texts, Copyrights, and Estate Law: A Case of Strange Bedfellows

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part a case involving a deceased religious leader who owned the copyrights to works reflecting his teachings. The Court found that the copyrighted works were not works for hire under copyright law, that the leader therefore had the right to license his copyrights, and that the subsequent owner of the copyrights (not a statutory heir) also had the right to terminate licenses. Aquarian Foundation, Inc. v. Bruce Kimberley Lowndes, Case No. 22-35704 (9th Cir. Feb. 3, 2025) (Hawkins, McKeown, de Alba, JJ.)

Aquarian Foundation is a nonprofit religious organization founded by Keith Milton Rhinehart. During his time as the leader of Aquarian, Rhinehart copyrighted his spiritual teachings. An Aquarian member, Bruce Lowndes, claimed that he obtained a license from Rhinehart in 1985. Upon Rinehart’s death in 1999, he left his estate, including interests in copyrights, to Aquarian. In 2014, Aquarian discovered that Lowndes was uploading Rhinehart’s teachings online and sent Lowndes takedown requests pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). In 2021, Aquarian sent Lowndes a letter terminating Lowndes’ license and sued Lowndes for copyright infringement, trademark infringement, and false designation of origin.

After a bench trial, the district court concluded that Rhinehart’s works were not works for hire under either the 1909 or the 1976 Copyright Act, so Rhinehart had the authority to grant Lowndes an unrestricted license. The district court also found that Aquarian did not have the authority to terminate the license as a nonstatutory heir and should have given Lowndes two years notice. The district court denied attorneys’ fees. Both parties appealed the district court’s ruling on ownership and attorneys’ fees, and Aquarian appealed the ruling on its lack of authority to terminate the license.

The Ninth Circuit, finding no clear error, affirmed the district court’s holding that Rhinehart’s works were not works for hire under either the 1909 or the 1976 Copyright Act. Under the 1909 Act’s “instance and expense” test, the Court found that “the creation and maintenance of the works was Rhinehart’s purview, and not the church’s domain.” Under the 1976 Act, which applies agency law, the Court similarly found that Rhinehart’s creation of the works was outside the scope of his employment as Aquarian’s president and secretary. Therefore, under either act, Rhinehart’s works were not works for hire, making Rhinehart the copyright owner. The Ninth Circuit affirmed the district court’s finding that as owner, Rhinehart had authority to grant the license to Lowndes. The Court also found that Lowndes’ license to “use copyrighted materials ‘without restriction’” referenced “a coming World Wide Network,” so Lowndes did not breach the license by posting the works online.

The Ninth Circuit also affirmed that the testamentary transfer of copyrights to Aquarian was permitted by both the 1909 and 1976 Copyright Acts: “Both the 1909 and 1976 Copyright Acts allow for the transfer of a copyright by will. 17 U.S.C. § 42 (repealed) (providing that copyrights ‘may be bequeathed by will’); [...]

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Untwisting the Fixation Requirement: Flexible Rules on Moveable Sculptures

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed and remanded a district court’s dismissal of a claim of copyright infringement for kinetic and manipulable sculptures, finding that movable structures were sufficiently “fixed” in a tangible medium for copyright purposes. Tangle, Inc. v. Aritzia, Inc., et al., Case No. 23-3707 (9th Cir. Jan. 14, 2024) (Koh, Johnstone, Simon, JJ.)

Tangle, a toy company, holds copyright registrations for seven kinetic and manipulable sculptures, each made from 17 or 18 identical, connected 90-degree curved tubular segments. These sculptures can be twisted or turned 360 degrees at the joints, allowing for various poses. Aritzia, a lifestyle apparel brand, used similar sculptures in its retail store displays, leading Tangle to file a lawsuit alleging copyright and trade dress infringement. Aritzia’s sculptures were larger, were a different color, and had a chrome finish.

The Copyright Act requires that a work of authorship be “fixed in any tangible medium of expression.” 17 U.S.C. § 102(a). At the pleading stage, the district court concluded that the sculptures were not fixed and thus dismissed Tangle’s copyright claim. The district court also dismissed the trade dress claim for failure to provide adequate notice of the asserted trade dress. Tangle appealed.

While the Ninth Circuit agreed with the district court’s dismissal of the trade dress claim, it disagreed with the district court’s ruling on the copyright claim. Comparing the kinetic, movable sculptures to music, movies, and dance, the Court found that Tangle’s dynamic sculptures were entitled to copyright protection and that Tangle adequately alleged valid copyrights in its sculptures. The Court held that the works’ ability to move into various poses did not, by itself, support the conclusion that they were not “fixed” in a tangible medium for copyright purposes.

The Ninth Circuit held that under the “extrinsic test” test, which looks at “the objective similarities of the two works, focusing only on the protectable elements of the plaintiff’s expression,” as set forth in the Court’s 2018 decision in Rentmeester v. Nike, Tangle plausibly alleged copying of its protected works by alleging that the creative choices it made in selecting and arranging elements of its copyrighted works were substantially similar to the choices Aritzia made in creating its sculptures.

Since Aritzia failed to dispute that Tangle had properly alleged copying, the Ninth Circuit stated that Tangle only needed to show that the sculptures were substantially similar to prove infringement. Applying its 2004 decision in Swirsky v. Carey, the Ninth Circuit explained that “substantial similarity can be found in a combination of elements, even if those elements are individually unprotected.”

The Ninth Circuit found that the copyrighted and accused sculptures were similar enough to the ordinary observer to constitute infringement because both were comprised of identical, connected 90-degree curved tubular segments that could be twisted and manipulated to create many different poses. The Court further explained that the vast range of possible expressions could afford the sculptures broad copyright protection.

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Lager Than Life: $56 Million Verdict in Beer Trademark Dispute Still on Tap

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld a $56 million trial verdict in a trademark dispute, finding that the evidence supported the jury’s conclusion that a beer company’s rebranding of one its beers infringed a competitor’s trademark. Stone Brewing Co., LLC v. Molson Coors Beverage Company USA LLC, Case No. 23-3142 (9th Cir. Dec. 30, 2024) (Graber, Friedland, Bumatay, JJ.) (nonprecedential).

Stone Brewing sued Molson Coors in 2018 alleging that Molson changed its packaging of Keystone Light to emphasize the word “stone” in its “Own the Stone” marketing campaign, and that this change infringed Stone Brewing’s trademarks and caused consumer confusion. Molson raised a variety of defenses, all of which were rejected. A jury found infringement and ultimately awarded Stone Brewing $56 million. Molson appealed.

Molson argued that the district court erred in finding that the four-year laches clock did not bar Stone Brewing’s Lanham Act claims. The Ninth Circuit found that the laches clock began running in 2017 when Molson launched the “Own the Stone” campaign, to which all of Stone Brewing’s claims related. The Court noted that prior to 2017, Molson never referred to Keystone as anything other than Keystone in its packaging, marketing, or advertising materials, and specifically never broke up the product name “Keystone” and used the term “Stones” to refer to the number of beers in a case (“30 stones”) or as a catch phrase (e.g., “Hold my Stones”). Thus, the Court found that Stone Brewing brought the suit within the four-year statute of limitations period.

Molson also argued that the district court erred in refusing to set aside the jury verdict on the ground that Molson had a superior interest in the STONE mark. Stone Brewing applied to register the STONE mark in 1996, and the Ninth Circuit found there was substantial evidence that Molson did not approve production of packaging that used “Stone” before that date.

Molson argued that the district court erred in refusing to set aside the jury verdict on likelihood of confusion. The Ninth Circuit disagreed, explaining that Stone Brewing provided evidence from which a jury could plausibly conclude there was “actual confusion” by distributors and customers who thought that Stone Brewing sold Keystone Light. The Court noted that Molson expressly de-emphasized “Keystone” and instead highlighted “Stone” in its 2017 product refresh. The Court also explained that both brands compete in the same beer space, use the same marketing and distribution channels, and are relatively inexpensive products, all of which allowed the jury to plausibly conclude that Molson’s 2017 product refresh of Keystone Light was likely to cause consumer confusion.

Molson also challenged the damages award. At trial, Stone Brewing sought damages in three categories:

  • $32.7 million for past lost profits
  • $141.4 million for future lost profits
  • $41.8 million for corrective advertising.

The jury returned a verdict of $56 million in general damages, which was about one quarter of the requested damages, but did not indicate what amount came from each category. Molson argued that [...]

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Equity Is Neither a “Good” Nor a “Service” Under Lanham Act

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court’s decision that, in terms of trademark use in commerce, corporate equity is not a “good” or “service” under the Lanham Act. LegalForce RAPC Worldwide, PC v. LegalForce, Inc., Case No. 23-2855 (9th Cir. Dec. 27, 2024) (Thomas, Wardlaw, Collins, JJ.) (Collins, J., concurring).

LegalForce RAPC Worldwide is a California corporation that operates legal services websites and owns the US mark LEGALFORCE. LegalForce, Inc., is a Japanese corporation that provides legal software services and owns the Japanese mark LEGALFORCE.

Both parties had discussions with the same group of investors. After those meetings, LegalForce Japan secured $130 million in funding, while LegalForce USA received nothing. Thereafter, LegalForce USA brought several claims against LegalForce Japan, including a trademark infringement claim. To support its case, LegalForce USA cited LegalForce Japan’s expansion plan, a trademark application for the mark LF, website ownership, and the use of LEGALFORCE to sell and advertise equity shares to investors in California.

The district court dismissed claims related to the website for lack of personal jurisdiction and dismissed claims related to the US expansion plan, trademark application, and alleged software sales in the United States as unripe. The district court dismissed the trademark infringement claims related to the efforts to sell equity shares for failure to state a claim. The court found that advertising and selling equity cannot constitute trademark infringement because it is not connected to the sale of goods or services, and the case did not present justification for extraterritorial application of the Lanham Act. LegalForce USA appealed.

To state a claim for trademark infringement under the Lanham Act, plaintiffs must show that:

  • They have a protectible ownership interest in the mark, or for some claims, a registered mark
  • The defendant used the mark “in connection with” goods or services
  • That use is likely to cause confusion. 15 U.S.C. § 1114(1)(a), § 1125(a).

The Ninth Circuit agreed with the district court that LegalForce Japan had not used LegalForce USA’s mark “in connection with” goods or services, and thus LegalForce USA failed to state a claim for which relief could be granted.

The Ninth Circuit concluded that using LEGALFORCE to advertise and sell equity failed to satisfy the requirement that a defendant used the mark in connection with goods or services. Referring to the U.C.C., the Court explained that corporate equity is “not a good for purposes of the Lanham Act, because it is not a movable or tangible thing.” Equity is also not a service because it is not a performance of labor for the benefit of another. There is no “another” involved because those who buy LegalForce Japan equity are owners and so they are not legally separate “others.”

The Ninth Circuit also agreed with the district court that LegalForce Japan’s services in Japan did not satisfy the “in connection with” goods or services requirement under the Lanham Act. To determine when a statute applies extraterritorially, courts invoke the 2023 Supreme Court
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Interoperability Doesn’t Imply Derivative Work

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit explained that to be a derivative work, a program interoperative with another must actually incorporate aspects of the underlying work. The Court further ruled that licensees of a copy of a computer program are not “owners” of the copy and therefore are not entitled to make copies for the purposes permitted by 17 U.S.C. § 117(a). Oracle International Corp. v. Rimini Street, Inc., Case No. 23-16038 (9th Cir. Dec. 16, 2024) (Bybee, Bumatay, Bennett, JJ.)

Rimini provides third-party support for Oracle software and is a direct competitor with Oracle in the software support services market. For more than a decade, Oracle and Rimini have been involved in what the Ninth Circuit describes as a “pitched copyright war.” This latest battle relates to changes Rimini made to its business model after a district court determined that Rimini had infringed Oracle’s copyrights. Rimini developed a new process for servicing customers using Oracle software and sought a declaratory judgment that its revised process did not infringe Oracle’s copyrights. Oracle counterclaimed for copyright infringement and Lanham Act violations.

The district court found that Rimini created infringing derivative works because its new process interacted and was usable with Oracle software. The district court found that Rimini violated Oracle’s PeopleSoft and Database licensing agreements and made several statements violating the Lanham Act. The court struck Rimini’s affirmative defense to copyright infringement under 17 U.S.C. § 117(a), granted Oracle summary judgment that Rimini infringed Oracle’s copyrights, and issued a permanent injunction against Rimini. Rimini appealed.

Derivative Works

The Ninth Circuit disagreed with the district court’s analysis of Rimini’s new process, noting that the district court focused on an “interoperability test,” which does not exist under the text of the Copyright Act or in precedent. In effect, the district court’s test would find that if a product interoperates with a preexisting copyrighted work, then it must be derivative. The Ninth Circuit explained that while the Copyright Act uses broad language to describe derivative works, the derivative work must actually incorporate the underlying work. For Rimini’s new process to be a derivative work, it must incorporate Oracle’s copyrighted work, either literally or nonliterally. The Court found that just because Rimini’s new process interacted with Oracle’s software, that was insufficient to find it was a derivative work.

Affirmative Defense: Section 117(a)

The Copyright Act permits an owner of a copy of a computer program to make a copy or adaptation of that program for certain purposes under 17 U.S.C. § 117(a). The Ninth Circuit vacated the district court’s ruling, striking Rimini’s affirmative defense under Section 117(a), because the district court erred in determining whether Oracle’s customers “owned” a copy of Oracle’s software, PeopleSoft. The Court explained that to determine whether a party is an “owner of a copy” of a computer program, the courts look to whether the party has “sufficient incidents of ownership” over the “copy” of the software, in view of the totality of the parties’ agreement. Factors that [...]

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Case Closed: OpenAI Prevails on Secondary Meaning

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court’s grant of a preliminary injunction (PI) in a trademark action under the Lanham Act, stating that the district court’s ruling was not clearly erroneous based on its finding that the plaintiff had likely acquired secondary meaning in the mark. OpenAI, Inc. v. Open Artificial Intelligence, Inc., Guy Ravine, Case No. 24-1963 (9th Cir. Nov. 13, 2024) (Thomas, Owens, Collins, JJ.) (per curiam) (Collins, J., dissenting) (nonprecedential).

OpenAI is the founder of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools. OpenAI has used the OPENAI (no space) mark extensively in association with its goods, services, website, social media, and marketing. OpenAI first attempted to register the mark with the US Patent & Trademark Office (PTO) in 2016, but the PTO rejected the mark as being merely descriptive and potentially confusing with Guy Ravine’s prior-filed application for the mark OPEN AI (with a space). Ravine claimed to have used the mark as early as 2015, which would have predated OpenAI’s use of its mark. However, the PTO also rejected Ravine’s application for registration on the Principal Register under a similar rationale, and the OPEN AI mark was only accepted for registration on the Supplemental Register in 2017. Neither mark is registered on the Principal Register.

OpenAI filed a trademark action under the Lanham Act against Ravine’s company, Open Artificial Intelligence, and sought a PI, which the district court granted after finding that OpenAI had established that it had acquired distinctiveness in the mark. Ravine appealed the denial of Open Artificial Intelligence’s motion under Fed. R. Civ. P. 59(e) and 60(b) to amend or vacate that injunction.

A PI is granted when a plaintiff establishes that:

  • It is likely to succeed on the merits.
  • It is likely to suffer irreparable harm.
  • The balance of equities tips in its favor.
  • An injunction is in the public interest.

The Ninth Circuit applies a sliding scale approach, where a stronger showing of one factor could offset a weaker showing of another factor. To succeed on a trademark infringement claim, a plaintiff must show that it has a protectible ownership interest in the mark and that the defendant’s use of the mark is likely to cause consumer confusion.

To evaluate the claims, the district court looked at each of the parties’ history and use of the disputed marks. The district court noted that OpenAI had used its mark in connection with its most widely used product, ChatGPT, resulting in the mark becoming a household name. The district court recognized that OpenAI’s trademark was one of the most recognized in artificial intelligence (AI) history. The district court noted that OpenAI’s website was one of the most visited websites, with almost 100 million monthly active users. In contrast, the district court found that Ravine had not established that he had used the mark in commerce prior to OpenAI’s use and even took issue with Ravine’s representations regarding his use of the mark. The district court granted [...]

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“Conquesting”: Use of Rival’s Name as Keyword Search Term Isn’t Actionable Under Lanham Act

Noting how rare it is for trademark infringement cases to be decided on summary judgment, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court’s grant of summary judgment finding that the plaintiff law firm failed to establish a likelihood of consumer confusion by virtue of the defendant’s purchase of a keyword search term. Lerner & Rowe PC v. Brown, Engstrand & Shely, LLC, et al., Case No. 23-16060 (9th Cir. Oct. 22, 2024) (Desai, de Alba, JJ.; Chen, Dist. J, sitting by designation) (Desai, J., concurring).

The parties in this matter are rival personal injury law firms based in Arizona. Lerner & Rowe, PC, is the larger of the two firms. It has 19 offices and has spent more than $100 million promoting its brand and trademarks in the state. Brown, Engstrand & Shely, LLC, does business as The Accident Law Group (ALG). From 2015 to 2021, ALG engaged in an internet advertising strategy called “conquesting,” whereby companies promote themselves to potential customers who search for a competitor on the internet. ALG purchased the term “Lerner & Rowe” as a keyword search term so that whenever someone searched for that term, ALG’s advertisements would appear near the top of the search results list. The ALG advertisements themselves never included the term “Lerner & Rowe.”

In 2021 Lerner & Rowe filed a complaint alleging federal and state trademark infringement, unfair competition, and unjust enrichment claims. In 2023 the district court granted summary judgment in favor of ALG as to the trademark infringement and unjust enrichment claims but denied summary judgment on the unfair competition claims. ALG moved for reconsideration, and the district court subsequently granted summary judgment as to all the claims. Lerner & Rowe appealed.

Because there was no dispute that Lerner & Rowe had a protectable interest in its marks, the Ninth Circuit’s trademark infringement analysis focused on assessing the likelihood of consumer confusion. At issue here was “initial interest confusion,” confusion that arises when an alleged infringer uses a competitor’s mark to direct attention to its own product. The Ninth Circuit used the four-factor test articulated in its 2011 decision in Network Automation v. Advanced Sys. Concepts to analyze likelihood of confusion in a keyword advertising context:

  • Strength of the mark.
  • Evidence of actual confusion.
  • Type of goods and degree of care likely to be exercised by the purchaser.
  • Labeling and appearance of the advertisements and the surrounding context on the screen displaying the results page.

Other less relevant factors include “the proximity of the goods, similarity of the marks, marketing channels used, defendant’s intent in selecting the mark, and likelihood of expansion of the product lines.”

The Ninth Circuit found, and ALG did not dispute, that Lerner & Rowe’s mark was strong, but the Court concluded that the other three factors favored ALG. As to evidence of actual confusion, Lerner & Rowe offered 236 phone calls received by ALG in which the caller mentioned Lerner & Rowe by name when asked [...]

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Some Post-Expiration Patent Royalty Payments May Be OK

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed a district court’s finding that a contract impermissibly allowed for patent royalties after the patent expired because the post-termination royalty payments were allocated to non-US patents. C.R. Bard, Inc. v. Atrium Med. Corp., Case No. 23-16020 (9th Cir. Aug. 23, 2024) (Friedland, Mendoza, Desai, JJ.) (per curiam).

C.R. Bard held one US and one Canadian patent covering a type of vascular graft. In 2011, Bard and Atrium entered a licensing agreement to settle a patent dispute. Under the terms of the agreement, Atrium agreed to pay Bard a 15% royalty on covered US sales until 2019 (when the US patent expired) and a 15% royalty on covered Canadian sales until 2024 (when the Canadian patent expired). The contract also included a quarterly royalty minimum. Through 2019, as the contract contemplated, Atrium paid royalties on its US and Canadian sales. Because of a US Food and Drug Administration delay, Atrium had lower than expected sales and never exceeded the quarterly minimum royalty.

Atrium eventually refused to continue making royalty payments, which after 2019 covered only Canadian sales (likewise never exceeding the quarterly minimum). Bard sued for breach of contract in 2021. Atrium argued that the royalty provision was unenforceable under Brulotte v. Thys, a 1964 US Supreme Court decision holding that collecting royalties for patent use after a patent’s expiration constitutes patent misuse. The district court determined that the “clear and primary purpose” of the parties’ contractual minimum royalty was to compensate Bard for US sales of the patented product. The district court therefore agreed with Atrium. Bard appealed.

The Ninth Circuit undertook to determine whether the terms of the parties’ contract constituted patent misuse under Brulotte. The Ninth Circuit first explained that in Brulotte, the Supreme Court considered a contract between the owner of multiple patents related to picking hops and farmers who made seasonal license payments to use machines incorporating those patents. The Supreme Court found patent misuse because the license amount did not decrease as patents incorporated into the machines expired, which indicated that the farmers were paying to use expired patents.

Despite pushback, the Supreme Court refused to overturn Brulotte in 2015 when it decided Kimble v. Marvel. That case involved a patent holder’s license allowing Marvel to incorporate patented web-shooting technology into a Spiderman toy. In Kimble, the Ninth Circuit had ruled that the license agreement was invalid under Brulotte because it required Marvel to continue to pay a royalty fee after the patent expired. The Ninth Circuit noted, however, that an ongoing license after the expiration of a patent may be permissible if the license contemplates both patented and non-patented features, as long as the terms of the royalty adjust when the patent expires. For instance, a license covering both a patented invention and a trade secret may continue past the life of the patent, as long as the royalty rate diminishes after the patent expires. This reflects that the royalty is [...]

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Golden State of Mind: Anti-SLAPP Defense Versus Privacy Rights

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court’s denial of a motion to strike a putative class action suit brought under Section 425.16 of California’s anti-SLAPP statute, finding that the case fell under an exemption because it sought to enforce an important right under California law. Odette R. Batis v. Dun & Bradstreet Holdings, Inc., Case No. 23-15260 (9th Cir. July 8, 2024) (Clifton, Siler, Smith, JJ.)

Odette Batis filed a lawsuit against Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) arguing that their commercial use of her name and contact information in their searchable business-to-business database was a violation of her right of publicity and unfair competition laws and constituted tortious misappropriation of her name and likeness. Batis sought a declaration of infringement, injunctive relief, restitution and damages.

D&B moved to dismiss the lawsuit under California’s anti-SLAPP statute, which is intended to provide protection against “strategic lawsuits against public participation” and “lawsuits brought primarily to chill” the exercise of speech. The statute was enacted to protect nonprofit corporations and citizens from larger entities. D&B argued that Batis’s lawsuit arose from actions D&B took in furtherance of its right to free speech and thus should be struck. The district court concluded that Batis had a right to sue, and that D&B failed to establish that Batis’s lawsuit targeted protected speech. D&B appealed.

The Ninth Circuit upheld the district court’s decision, finding that the anti-SLAPP statute did not authorize a motion to strike the lawsuit. The Court found that Batis’s lawsuit fell under the public interest exemption contained in Section 425.17(b) of the California Code of Civil Procedure. The public interest exemption protects suits where:

  • The plaintiff does not seek relief different from the rest of any class of which they are a member;
  • The action would enforce an “important right affecting the public interest”;
  • And “private enforcement is necessary and places a disproportionate financial burden on the plaintiff.”

The Ninth Circuit found that Batis’s lawsuit met these criteria. First, Batis did not seek any remedy on the face of the complaint that all members of the putative class would not have been entitled to as well. Second, Batis’s lawsuit implicated her privacy rights and rights concerning her name and likeness, both of which are considered important to the public interest, especially in California. Third, Batis’s financial burden in bringing the suit could outweigh the damages she might be able to collect, and no public entity had brought an action against D&B enforcing her rights.

Finally, the Ninth Circuit affirmed that the public interest exemption applied against D&B’s database because the database was not a protected work of expression under Section 425.17(d) of the Anti-SLAPP Act, which protects “a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication.” The Court explained that this protection was intended to apply to those engaged in the “dissemination of ideas or expression” rather than a directory. Therefore, Batis’s suit was protected under the public interest exception and immune to D&B’s anti-SLAPP motion.

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