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A Textbook Example: Single Online Sale Does Not a Minimum Contact Make

The US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit affirmed a district court’s grant of a motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction, finding that a single online sale did not establish minimum contacts to support personal jurisdiction. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company v. The Learning Tree Publishing Corporation, Case No. 22-1885 (8th Cir. July 24, 2023) (Smith, Wollman, Loken, JJ.)

Kendall Hunt Publishing filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against The Learning Tree Publishing in the District of Iowa. Before founding Learning Tree, Frank Forcier and John Coniglio worked remotely for Kendall Hunt from their homes in California. Both individuals traveled to Iowa for work, had regular contact with Iowa co-workers during their tenures and accessed files on an Iowa-based server. Nicholas Baiamonte teaches in California, where he wrote an online ethics textbook. Forcier negotiated with Baiamonte on behalf of Kendall Hunt from 2014 to 2016, and as a result, Baiamonte entered into contracts with Kendall Hunt to publish his textbook as Course Pack 4: Ethics. Baiamonte assigned publication rights to Kendall Hunt.

In 2019, Forcier and Coniglio incorporated Learning Tree in California to sell online textbooks to post-secondary students. Learning Tree targeted its advertising to California professors and educational institutions, as well as some limited sales to Colorado and Oklahoma. One of these textbooks was an ethics textbook that included some copyrighted portions of Baiamonte’s ethics textbook.

Kendall Hunt’s lawsuit alleged that a single purchase of the ethics textbook by an Iowa-based Kendall Hunt employee established the requisite minimum contacts with Iowa to support personal jurisdiction. Kendall Hunt also alleged that the prior contacts Forcier and Coniglio established with Iowa through their employment with Kendall Hunt should be attributed to Learning Tree. These contacts included Coniglio regularly traveling to Iowa from 1995 to 2006 and Forcier traveling to Iowa in 2005 and 2006. The district court rejected Kendall Hunt’s jurisdictional arguments and dismissed the complaint. Kendall Hunt appealed.

Reviewing de novo, the Eighth Circuit set out the factors to analyze Iowa’s long-arm statute, which is permissive up to the extent of due process. These factors include the nature and quality of Learning Tree’s contracts with Iowa, the quantity of the contacts, the relation of the cause of action to the contacts, the interest of the forum state and the convenience of the parties. They also include the additional factors for intentional torts: the intentionality of the acts; whether the contacts were uniquely or expressly aimed at the forum; and whether the contacts caused harm, or the defendant knew they were likely to cause harm, of which the majority occurred in the forum state.

The Eighth Circuit concluded that Learning Tree did not expressly aim at or target Iowa because it did not advertise in Iowa. The Court found that Kendall Hunt’s litigation-based purchase was the only sale, and the infringing conduct occurred in California. Based on this fact and the Court’s 2022 decision in Brothers & Sisters in Christ v. Zazzle, which was decided under similar facts, the Court [...]

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Remedies as Big as Your Bamba

Following the district court’s finding of trademark infringement on summary judgment, the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit affirmed the district court’s subsequent award of profits, costs and attorneys’ fees in favor of the trademark holder. La Bamba Licensing, LLC v. La Bamba Authentic Mexican Cuisine, Inc., nka La Villa Rica Mexican Cuisine, Inc., Case No. 22-5853 (Gilman, Larsen, Nalbandian, JJ.)

La Bamba Licensing operates a series of Mexican restaurants in the Midwest under the name “La Bamba.” It obtained various federal trademark registrations in 1998. Almost 20 years later, La Bamba Authentic Mexican Cuisine (now known as La Villa Rica) opened a Mexican restaurant under the name “La Bamba Authentic Mexican Cuisine” with a single location in Lebanon, Kentucky. Shortly after learning of the La Villa Rica restaurant, La Bamba Licensing sent a cease-and-desist letter to La Villa Rica demanding that La Villa Rica cease use of the LA BAMBA mark. La Villa Rica responded but refused to alter its conduct because it did “not see any basis for [La Bamba Licensing’s] demands.” Three months after sending the cease-and-desist letter, La Bamba Licensing filed suit in the Western District of Kentucky alleging trademark infringement and unfair competition. More than one year later, La Villa Rica changed the name of its restaurant to “La Villa Rica Authentic Mexican Cuisine, Inc.”

The district court ultimately granted summary judgment in favor of La Bamba Licensing on all pending claims and permanently enjoined La Villa Rica from using the LA BAMBA mark. La Bamba Licensing subsequently filed a motion seeking profits, costs associated with bringing the action and attorneys’ fees. Following an evidentiary hearing, the district court granted La Bamba Licensing’s motion and awarded all three forms of relief. La Villa Rica appealed the district court’s decision to award profits and attorneys’ fees but did not appeal the award of costs or the district court’s calculation of either profits or attorneys’ fees.

The Sixth Circuit started its analysis of the profits award by identifying the factors courts should consider, including the defendant’s intent to deceive, whether sales were diverted, the adequacy of other remedies, any unreasonable delay by the plaintiff in asserting its rights, public interest in making the misconduct unprofitable and “palming off” (i.e., whether the defendant used its infringement of the plaintiff’s mark to sell its own products to the public through misrepresentation). The Sixth Circuit noted that the district court relied on two factors—the defendant’s intent and public interest in making the misconduct unprofitable—plus the defendant’s “willfulness” in determining that an award of profits was appropriate. The Sixth Circuit credited the district court’s reasoning, noting that “[e]ven after La Villa Rica received a cease-and-desist letter containing notice of La Bamba’s registered mark, and ‘in the face of [its] attorney’s advice that [it] might have a problem,’ La Villa Rica continued to use the LA BAMBA mark for a year and a half and ‘offered no legally sufficient explanation or support for its actions.’”

La Villa Rica argued that [...]

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Don’t Ruin Today’s CNS with Yesterday’s Problems

The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reversed a district court’s trademark invalidity finding based on lack of subject matter jurisdiction because a covenant not to sue (CNS) issued by the trademark owner precluded any reasonably expected future injury that the alleged infringer might incur. Nursery Decals & More, Inc. v. Neat Print, Inc., Case No. 22-10065 (5th Cir. Aug. 1, 2023) (Haynes, Engelhardt, JJ.; deGravelles, Dist. J., sitting by designation) (per curiam).

Neat Print and Nursery Decals sold novelty t-shirts on online marketplaces. In 2018, Neat Print notified one of the online marketplaces that Nursery Decals’ products allegedly infringed Neat Print’s trademarks. In response, the online marketplace sent Nursery Decals a final warning threatening a site ban for any future violations. Nursery Decals complied with the warning and also preemptively pulled its products from other online marketplaces.

Nursery Decals sued Neat Print in the Northern District of Texas. Most of Nursery Decals’ claims were directed to invalidating Neat Print’s trademarks or obtaining a noninfringement judgment. Nursery Decal also included three claims seeking damages. One was a federal claim for fraud on the US Patent & Trademark Office (PTO). The other two claims were Texas law claims based on tortious interference with an existing business relationship and a prospective business relationship. The district court ultimately granted summary judgment on all of the trademark-related claims, ordering the PTO to cancel all of the disputed trademarks.

Prior to the district court’s summary judgment grant, Neat Print tried to avoid summary judgment by filing a CNS along with a motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. The district court denied the motion to dismiss, concluding that the CNS did not moot the case. The district court explained that Neat Print’s CNS did not address Nursery Decals’ past and potential future injuries (i.e., Nursery Decals’ damages claims). The district court also found that Neat Print’s CNS did not meet the high standard set forth in the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Already, reasoning that Neat Print’s CNS left the door open for future take-down notices based on the disputed trademarks.

Neat Print amended its CNS to address take-down notices. It then filed a motion to reconsider its motion to dismiss in light of the modified CNS. The district court orally denied the motion at the pretrial conference and ordered that the case proceed to trial. The jury ultimately found no liability on both claims. After the trial, the district court issued a written opinion explaining that it rejected Neat Print’s motion for reconsideration because Nursery Decals had a legally cognizable injury that supported subject matter jurisdiction. While Neat Print had defeated all of Nursery Decals’ damages claims, Neat Print appealed the district court’s judgment with respect to the trademark claims, arguing that the district court failed to properly evaluate subject matter jurisdiction on a claim-by-claim basis in view of Neat Print’s CNS.

The Fifth Circuit agreed with Neat Print, finding that the district court committed two errors. First, the district [...]

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Holy Pulmonary Hypertension, Batman: Method of Treatment Not Constrained by Safety and Efficacy

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed a district court’s holding that the asserted method of treatment patent was valid and infringed because safety and efficacy are not patent concerns. The Federal Circuit also affirmed the district court’s holding that certain claims of the product-by-process patent were invalid because the claimed product was in the prior art, regardless of the process by which it was made. United Therapeutics Corporation v. Liquidia Technologies, Inc., Case Nos. 22-2217; 23-1021 (Fed. Cir. July 24, 2023) (Lourie, Dyk, Stoll, JJ.)

United Therapeutics is the maker of Tyvaso®, a treprostinil formulation approved for treating pulmonary hypertension. United Therapeutics asserted two patents covering Tyvaso® against Liquidia’s § 505(b)(2) new drug application (NDA) on Yutrepia™. One patent was a method of treatment patent claiming to treat pulmonary hypertension by administering a “therapeutically effective” dose of a treprostinil formulation, and the other was a product-by-process patent claiming a treprostinil composition with lowered levels of impurities made by a specific salt formation process.

The district court found that United Therapeutics showed that a single administration of treprostinil improves a patient’s hemodynamics, establishing that administration of Liquidia’s Yutrepia, comprising treprostinil, would directly infringe the method of treatment claims. The district court also concluded that even though Yutrepia’s label did not provide hemodynamic data, the label’s instructions would inevitably lead to the administration of a therapeutically effective single event dose. The court thus concluded that Liquidia would induce infringement of the method of treatment claims.

The district court further found that the asserted claims were not invalid for lack of enablement or written description. The court reasoned that a skilled artisan would not need to engage in undue experimentation to practice the full scope of the claimed treatment of pulmonary hypertension, despite potential safety concerns in treating certain patients, since the claims did not require safety and efficacy. The court found that the claims were not invalid for lack of written description, finding that a skilled artisan would, based on the specification, understand that treprostinil would effectively vasodilate the pulmonary vasculature, improve hemodynamics and treat a patient’s elevated pulmonary blood pressure.

Liquidia appealed on five issues: claim construction of the term “treating pulmonary hypertension,” enablement, written description, induced infringement and infringement of the product by process claims. United Therapeutics cross-appealed on anticipation of the product by process claims and non-infringement of those claims.

First, regarding the construction of “treating pulmonary hypertension,” the Federal Circuit affirmed that the term encompassed all recognized groups of pulmonary hypertension but noted that the claim language “treating pulmonary hypertension” did not import any additional efficacy limitations or safety limitations, even those in a group that would not benefit from the treatment. The Court declined to read any safety or efficacy requirements into the claims, explaining that absent incorporation into the claims, the safety and efficacy of a claimed treatment are the purview of the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), not patent law.

Regarding enablement and written description, Liquidia argued that the method [...]

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Burst That Bubble: Specific Knowledge Necessary to Prove Contributory Trademark Infringement

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit addressed contributory trademark infringement for the first time, finding that specific knowledge is required for liability to attach. Y.Y.G.M. SA, DBA Brandy Melville v. Redbubble, Inc., Case Nos. 21-56150; -56236 (9th Cir. July 24, 2023) (Callahan, Nelson, Thomas, JJ.)

Brandy Melville manufactures clothing and home goods and owns multiple trademarks, including the Brandy Melville Heart and LA Lightning marks. Redbubble is an online marketplace where individual artists upload designs for printing on demand on various articles and Redbubble handles payment, manufacturing and shipping.

In 2018, on two consecutive days, Brandy Melville notified Redbubble of infringing products on its marketplace. Redbubble removed them. One year later, Brandy Melville sued Redbubble for trademark infringement. The district court granted summary judgment to Redbubble on several of its claims. The case then went to trial on Brandy Melville’s contributory infringement and counterfeiting claims. The jury found Redbubble liable for contributory counterfeiting of the Brandy Melville Heart and LA Lightning marks, contributory infringement of those marks and contributory infringement of various unregistered trademarks. However, the court granted Redbubble judgment as a matter of law (JMOL) as to the contributory counterfeiting claim for the Heart mark. Brandy Melville moved for a permanent injunction, attorneys’ fees and prejudgment interest. The district court denied each of Brandy Melville’s motions.

Redbubble appealed the denial of JMOL on contributory infringement claims and the finding of willful contributory counterfeiting of the LA Lightning mark. Brandy Melville appealed the grant of JMOL on contributory counterfeiting of the Brandy Melville Heart mark and the denial of permanent injunction, attorneys’ fees and prejudgment interest.

Addressing Redbubble’s appeal, the Ninth Circuit considered contributory infringement and contributory counterfeiting together. The issue of the applicable standard in questions of contributory liability was novel for the Ninth Circuit. The Lanham Act provides a cause of action when a party intentionally induces trademark infringement or when the party continues to supply products to a third party, despite knowing or having reason to know that the third party is engaging in trademark infringement. This case dealt with the latter.

In other contexts, the Ninth Circuit has applied the “knows or has reason to know” standard as satisfying the willful blindness (in lieu of actual knowledge) element. Willful blindness requires a subjective belief that infringement is likely occurring and deliberate actions were taken to avoid knowledge of that infringement. Redbubble argued that willful blindness requires specific knowledge, while Brandy Melville argued that there is a duty to take reasonable corrective action once a party obtains general knowledge of infringement. The Court noted that for contributory copyright infringement, specific knowledge is not required. In keeping with its sister circuits, the Court held that “willful blindness for contributory trademark liability requires the defendant to have specific knowledge of infringers or instances of infringement.” The Court, therefore, vacated and remanded for the district court to reconsider Redbubble’s JMOL motion under this standard for contributory trademark infringement.

The Ninth Circuit next considered Brandy Melville’s appeal, beginning [...]

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RIP for POP: PTO Updates Interim Director Review Procedures

On July 24, 2023, the US Patent & Trademark Office (PTO) announced that a revised interim Director Review (DR) process and Appeals Review Panel (ARP) process will replace the Precedential Opinion Panel Process. Updates to the interim DR process include the following:

  • Expanding the process to permit parties to request DR of Patent Trial & Appeal Board decisions on institution in America Invents Act (AIA) proceedings
  • Providing updated guidance as to what types of issues the Director will consider in DR, as well as additional guidance on several topics, such as the initiation of DR at the sole discretion of the Director (sua sponte DR), remands to Board for further proceedings and the Director’s sanction authority
  • Providing the Director with the option to delegate review to a new independent panel called the Delegated Rehearing Panel (DRP)
  • Creating a new ARP, which may be convened by the Director sua sponte to review Board ex parte, reexamination or reissue appeal decisions.

Under the interim DR process, a party to a Board decision may now request DR of a Board decision, whether to institute trial, a final written decision or a decision granting a request for rehearing.

After a DR request is received and processed, the request will then be routed to an Advisory Committee that the Director has established to assist with the process. The Advisory Committee comprises 11 members and includes representatives from various PTO business units who serve at the discretion of the Director. A quorum of seven members is needed for the committee to meet. The Advisory Committee may include members from the following business units:

  • Office of the Under Secretary (not including the Director or Deputy Director)
  • The Board (not including members of the panel for each case under review)
  • Office of the Commissioner for Patents (not including the Commissioner for Patents or any persons involved in the examination of the challenged patent)
  • Office of the General Counsel
  • Office of Policy and International Affairs.

The Director will review each request for DR; the underlying decision, including the associated arguments and evidence; and the recommendation of the Advisory Committee. The Director will then determine whether to grant or deny review or delegate a decision to a Delegated Rehearing Panel (DRP). The DRP will be selected from among the Chief Judge, Deputy Chief Judge, Vice Chief Judges and Senior Lead Judges of the Board, excluding judges who served on the original panel for the case under review or otherwise have a conflict with the case. An appellant can request a rehearing of a DRP decision or appeal the decision to the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

An ARP that consists of the Director, the Commissioner for Patents and the Chief Judge of the Board has now been created. The panel may be convened by the Director sua sponte to review ex parte, reexamination or reissue appeal decisions. Requests for ARP review will not be considered. ARP decisions are appealable to the Federal Circuit. An appellant may not [...]

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Off the Charts: Derivative Work Copyright Registers All Material in Derivative Work

In a matter of first impression, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed the district court’s partial grant of summary judgment in favor of the defendants, vacated a jury verdict and an award of attorneys’ fees, and remanded an action alleging infringement of copyright in two charts depicting organizational change. The Court agreed with other circuits that by registering a derivative work, an author registers all the material included in the derivative work, including any unregistered original works. Enterprise Management Limited, Inc. v. Construx Software Builders Inc., Case No. 22-35345 (9th Cir. July 17, 2023) (Fletcher, Clifton, Ikuta, JJ.)

Mary Lippitt and her company Enterprise Management filed a lawsuit against Steve McConnell and his company Construx for copyright infringement. Lippitt has built a career around advising companies on organizational change. To this end, she created charts and materials, including one titled “Managing Complex Change,” to demonstrate how an organization can fail by missing key transitional elements. According to Lippitt, the “Managing Complex Change” chart was registered with the US Copyright Office in 1987 as part of a presentation called “Transition: Accomplishing Organization Change.” The Copyright Office subsequently destroyed the deposit copy of the registration as part of its routine practice. In 2000, an updated presentation with an updated version of the chart was registered with the Copyright Office. In 2003, the updated chart, “Aligning for Success,” was registered individually.

In 2016, McConnell used Lippitt’s chart in a YouTube video presentation. McConnell titled the chart “Lippitt/Knoster Change Model,” added supplementary information and made stylistic changes. When Lippitt found out that McConnell used her chart, she sent cease-and-desist letters. After McConnell refused to stop using the chart, Lippitt sued.

Following discovery, McConnell moved for summary judgment, which the district court granted in part and denied in part. The district court ruled that Lippitt failed to show that she had registered the “Managing Complex Change” chart because she did not present evidence that the chart was included in the “Transition: Accomplishing Organization Change” material registered in 1987. The district court also denied the motion for summary judgment with respect to Lippitt’s claim that McConnell infringed the “Aligning for Success” chart because there was a genuine issue of material fact as to whether McConnell had copied it. Based on these rulings, the district court issued a pretrial order precluding Lippitt from basing any argument on her alleged ownership of the copyright in the “Managing Complex Change” chart, including any argument that McConnell infringed the “Aligning for Success” chart by copying elements from the “Managing Complex Change” chart. At trial, the jury returned a verdict for McConnell. The district court subsequently granted McConnell’s motion for attorneys’ fees. Lippitt appealed.

The Ninth Circuit first addressed whether Lippitt raised a genuine issue of material fact that she registered the “Managing Complex Change” chart by including it in the “Transition: Accomplishing Organization Change” materials. The Ninth Circuit explained that the district court’s ruling was partially based on the fact that the copyright for Lippitt’s original [...]

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Serving a Perfect 10: No Protection for Embedding

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that a photo- and video-sharing social networking service could not be liable for secondary copyright infringement because embedding a photo does not “display a copy” of the underlying image. Hunley v. Instagram, LLC, Case No. 22-15293 (9th Cir. July 17, 2023) (Bybee, Bumatay, Bennett, JJ.)

Embedding is a method of displaying images on a website by directing a browser to retrieve an image from the host server. Instead of hosting an image file on a home server, a website merely pulls the image, along with any other content, from an external server and displays it.

Alexis Hunley and Matthew Brauer are photographers who brought a class action lawsuit against Instagram on behalf of copyright owners whose work was “caused to be displayed via Instagram’s embedding tool on a third party website without the copyright owner’s consent.” Hunley alleged that Buzzfeed News and Time embedded Hunley’s Instagram posts (copyrighted photos and videos) within news articles. Hunley also alleged that Instagram’s embedding tool violated her exclusive display right under the Copyright Act by enabling third-party websites to display copyrighted photos posted to Instagram.

Hunley’s argument was unsuccessful, and the district court granted Instagram’s motion to dismiss. The district court determined that the Ninth Circuit’s 2007 holding in Perfect 10 precluded relief to Hunley. The court explained that under the “server test” set forth in Perfect 10, embedding websites that do not store an image or video does not “communicate a copy” of the image or video and therefore does not violate the copyright owner’s exclusive display right. The court explained that because Buzzfeed News and Time do not store images and videos, they do not “fix” the copyrighted work in any “tangible medium of express” (a copy), and therefore when they embed the images and videos on a website, they are not displaying “copies” of the copyrighted work. Hunley appealed.

Hunley argued that Perfect 10 was inconsistent with the Copyright Act, but the Ninth Circuit declined to consider the argument in detail as the proper procedure was to seek a rehearing en banc. While the Court was sympathetic to policy arguments advanced by Hunley (as well as other amici), the Court stated it was not its place to create a policy solution. Hunley’s final major argument questioned the validity of Perfect 10 in light of the Supreme Court’s 2014 decision in American Broadcasting Co. v. Aereo, but this too was rejected. The Ninth Circuit failed to see sufficient similarities between the performance and display rights, holding them as two distinct rights with few parallels.

Applying the server test to the facts presented, the Ninth Circuit found that Instagram could not be found secondarily liable for displaying images on third-party sites. Since Buzzfeed News and Time embedded the images and no copy was stored, they could not be liable for direct infringement. Because there was no direct infringement, there could be no secondary infringement, and the Court found that the district court properly [...]

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If You Can’t Say a Secret under an NDA, Don’t Say It at All

Considering a trade secret misappropriation claim involving a business pitch that was not subject to a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit affirmed a district court’s summary judgment grant for the accused party, finding that it had not acquired the information through a confidential relationship. Novus Grp., LLC v. Prudential Fin., Inc., Case No. 22-3736 (6th Cir. July 17, 2023) (Sutton, Boggs, Readler, JJ.)

Eric Seyboldt and Mark McCanney founded Novus Group to launch their financial product called the Transitions Beneficiary Income Rider. The pair developed the Rider to address the diminishing availability of retirement income vehicles—such as pension plans or 401k profit-sharing plans—for modern workers. In operation, the Rider guaranteed that, following a policyholder’s death, an insurance company would pay pension-style death-benefit proceeds to non-spouse beneficiaries throughout their lifetimes.

Novus partnered with financial product developers Genesis and Annexus to ensure that the Rider was feasible and to assist with a pitch to Novus’s target customer, Nationwide. These relationships were governed by two contracts with confidentiality provisions: the Genesis-Novus and Annexus-Novus contracts. Before Novus was formed, Genesis and Annexus had also created a joint organization, AnnGen, which had its own confidentiality agreement with Nationwide concerning AnnGen’s New Heights product (AnnGen-Nationwide contract). Prior to Novus’s pitch, Nationwide refused to sign an NDA and warned that Novus should “not disclose any confidential information.” Despite the lack of an NDA, Novus and Annexus pitched the Rider concept to Nationwide, which elected not to pursue the product.

After the unsuccessful pitch, two Nationwide employees who allegedly had access to information concerning Novus’s Rider product left Nationwide for Prudential. Shortly thereafter, Prudential launched Legacy Protection Plus, a death-benefit rider that was similar to Novus’s Rider product. Novus believed Prudential stole its Rider concept and sued Prudential for trade secret misappropriation. Prudential moved for summary judgment. The district court granted the motion. Novus appealed.

On appeal, the Sixth Circuit assumed the existence of a trade secret and its unauthorized use, focusing solely on whether Prudential had acquired Novus’s trade secret as a result of a confidential relationship or through improper means. The Court noted that Novus had not raised a theory of “improper means” in district court and thus had waived that argument.

The Sixth Circuit also found that the two Nationwide employees did not have a duty to Novus to maintain its information in the utmost secrecy. Novus argued on appeal that such a duty arose from the web of agreements among Annexus, Genesis, Novus, AnnGen and Nationwide. However, Nationwide was not a party to the Annexus-Novus and Genesis-Novus contracts and was not bound by them. Further, Novus was not a signatory to or third-party beneficiary of the AnnGen-Nationwide contract, which narrowly covered the New Heights product developed by AnnGen, rather than Novus’s Rider. Instead of creating a duty of confidentiality, these contracts demonstrated that Novus knew how to create a confidential relationship, yet declined to form one with Nationwide, which had explicitly refused to sign an NDA. The [...]

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No Need for Unnecessary RPI Determinations

The US Patent & Trademark Office Director partially vacated the Patent Trial & Appeal Board’s real-party-in-interest (RPI) determination because that determination was not necessary to resolve the underlying proceeding. Unified Patents, LLC v. MemoryWeb, LLC, IPR2021-01413, Paper 76 (PTAB May 22, 2023) (Vidal, Dir.)

Unified Patents filed a petition requesting inter partes review (IPR) of a patent owned by MemoryWeb. In its petition, Unified certified that it was the only RPI. Prior to institution, both parties briefed whether Unified should have identified two third parties as RPIs under 35 U.S.C. § 312(a)(2). In its institution decision, the Board declined to determine whether the third parties were RPIs because there was no allegation in the proceeding of a time bar or estoppel based on there being an unnamed RPI, and therefore the proceedings would not have created a time bar or estoppel under 35 U.S.C. § 315 even if the third parties were included as RPIs.

After institution, MemoryWeb continued to argue that the Board should terminate the proceeding because of Unified’s alleged failure to name the third parties as RPIs while also arguing that in the alternative, the Board should find the two third parties estopped from challenging the validity of the claims at issue in two different IPRs covering the same patent. The Board then issued an order identifying the third parties as RPIs, explaining that it was now appropriate to determine whether the two third parties were RPIs “[b]ecause the issue of Section 315(e) estoppel has been put before us [as relevant to the subsequent IPR challenges filed by the third parties], and we now have a complete factual record available to fully address the RPI question, and to avoid unnecessary prejudice to Patent Owner.” The Board also explained that it was now necessary to determine whether the third parties were RPIs in the case at hand to determine whether they would be estopped in a subsequent proceeding.

Unified filed a request for Director review of the Board’s RPI determination. Unified argued that the panel erred by issuing a non-binding advisory opinion on RPI that prejudiced the third parties by prejudging the RPI issue without their participation and where the decision could bind them in their later-filed proceedings. Unified also cited the Board’s precedential decision in SharkNinja v. iRobot, arguing that the Board should not resolve an RPI issue when it would not create a time bar or estoppel under 35 U.S.C. § 315 in the proceeding.

The Director concluded that the Board can and should determine the RPIs or real parties in privity in a proceeding where that determination may impact the underlying proceeding, including (but not limited to) a time bar under 35 U.S.C. § 315(b) or estoppel under 35 U.S.C. § 315(e) that might apply. However, the Director determined that such was not the situation here since determining the RPI issue was not necessary to resolve the proceeding. The Director, therefore, vacated the Board’s RPI determinations.

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