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PTO Issues Oral Hearing Guide for Patent Trial & Appeal Board Proceedings

On August 31, 2023, the US Patent & Trademark Office (PTO) published an Oral Hearing Guide to aid parties with oral arguments before the Patent Trial & Appeal Board. The newest Oral Hearing Guide updates the 2019 Oral Hearing Guide published on August 30, 2019, and is meant to be read in conjunction with the procedures set forth in the 2019 PTAB Trial Practice Guide.

The Oral Hearing Guide addresses the following topics:

  • PTO locations for oral hearings
  • Request for an oral hearing
  • Notification of hearing in ex parte and reexamination hearings
  • Notification of hearing in America Invents Act (AIA) trials
  • Authorized persons to present oral arguments
  • Attendance at hearings
  • Guidelines for counsel during argument.

With a few minor exceptions, the administrative processes and procedures largely mirror those set forth in the 2019 Oral Hearing Guide and the 2019 PTAB Trial Practice Guide. The key changes are summarized below.

A Request for Oral Hearing in ex parte and reexamination proceedings must be filed as a separate paper with the required fee paid within a non-extendable time period. The Board will issue a Notice of Hearing to the parties involved once a case has been scheduled for oral argument, typically eight weeks before the scheduled hearing session. The Notice of Hearing provides information about the scheduled hearing, including the date, time, location, appearance options and general information about the oral hearing procedures before the Board.

In trial proceedings under the AIA—i.e., inter partes reviews (IPRs), covered business method reviews (CBMs or CBMRs), post-grant reviews (PGRs) and derivations—each party to a proceeding is afforded an opportunity to present its case before at least three members of the Board and is notified of the date and location options of an oral hearing in a Scheduling Order. The Guide further elaborates on the processes for requesting an oral argument, including the issuance of the Notice of Hearing (or Scheduling Order) when an oral hearing is requested. The Scheduling Order notifies the parties of the finalized hearing date, time and location. Once the Board has issued a Hearing Order, parties requiring a different arrangement should contact the Board with their request.

The Guide stipulates that the parties should state in their respective requests for oral argument whether they prefer a video hearing or an in-person hearing, and for in-person hearings, which available location the party prefers. To the extent the parties disagree, they should meet and confer. If the dispute cannot be resolved by meeting and conferring, the parties should inform the Board of each party’s individual preferences. The Board will notify the parties of its decision in accordance with current office policy.

The Guide further provides updated information stipulating that optional demonstrative exhibits must be marked with the words “DEMONSTRATIVE EXHIBIT – NOT EVIDENCE” in the footer and further elaborates on the procedures for parties to request pro hac vice admission for non-registered patent practitioners to participate in proceedings. Finally, the Guide discusses [...]

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RIP for POP: PTO Updates Interim Director Review Procedures

On July 24, 2023, the US Patent & Trademark Office (PTO) announced that a revised interim Director Review (DR) process and Appeals Review Panel (ARP) process will replace the Precedential Opinion Panel Process. Updates to the interim DR process include the following:

  • Expanding the process to permit parties to request DR of Patent Trial & Appeal Board decisions on institution in America Invents Act (AIA) proceedings
  • Providing updated guidance as to what types of issues the Director will consider in DR, as well as additional guidance on several topics, such as the initiation of DR at the sole discretion of the Director (sua sponte DR), remands to Board for further proceedings and the Director’s sanction authority
  • Providing the Director with the option to delegate review to a new independent panel called the Delegated Rehearing Panel (DRP)
  • Creating a new ARP, which may be convened by the Director sua sponte to review Board ex parte, reexamination or reissue appeal decisions.

Under the interim DR process, a party to a Board decision may now request DR of a Board decision, whether to institute trial, a final written decision or a decision granting a request for rehearing.

After a DR request is received and processed, the request will then be routed to an Advisory Committee that the Director has established to assist with the process. The Advisory Committee comprises 11 members and includes representatives from various PTO business units who serve at the discretion of the Director. A quorum of seven members is needed for the committee to meet. The Advisory Committee may include members from the following business units:

  • Office of the Under Secretary (not including the Director or Deputy Director)
  • The Board (not including members of the panel for each case under review)
  • Office of the Commissioner for Patents (not including the Commissioner for Patents or any persons involved in the examination of the challenged patent)
  • Office of the General Counsel
  • Office of Policy and International Affairs.

The Director will review each request for DR; the underlying decision, including the associated arguments and evidence; and the recommendation of the Advisory Committee. The Director will then determine whether to grant or deny review or delegate a decision to a Delegated Rehearing Panel (DRP). The DRP will be selected from among the Chief Judge, Deputy Chief Judge, Vice Chief Judges and Senior Lead Judges of the Board, excluding judges who served on the original panel for the case under review or otherwise have a conflict with the case. An appellant can request a rehearing of a DRP decision or appeal the decision to the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

An ARP that consists of the Director, the Commissioner for Patents and the Chief Judge of the Board has now been created. The panel may be convened by the Director sua sponte to review ex parte, reexamination or reissue appeal decisions. Requests for ARP review will not be considered. ARP decisions are appealable to the Federal Circuit. An appellant may not [...]

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PTO Seeks Comments on Strategies to Address Counterfeiting and Piracy

On May 25, 2023, the US Patent & Trademark Office (PTO) requested comments on strategies to address counterfeiting and piracy. The PTO requested information on current anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy strategies that have proven effective, as well as ideas for future strategies.

The PTO requested comments on the 14 points listed below. Respondents may address any, all or none of these points. The PTO will receive any input relevant to future strategies in the fight to prevent counterfeited and pirated goods from entering the stream of commerce and reaching the hands of consumers.

1. Current anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy strategies, and any trends in how often such practices guide plans for addressing these issues in the future.

2. The types of harms observed from sales of counterfeited and pirated goods.

3. How to educate consumers about the harms and dangers that may result from the use and sale of counterfeited or pirated products.

4. Current anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy strategies that have proven successful, and those that have not. Information relating to targets of anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy efforts, such as ecommerce platforms, physical markets and social media.

5. Anticipated challenges in the fight to prevent counterfeited and pirated goods from entering the stream of commerce and reaching the hands of consumers, and how to address those challenges.

6. Observed patterns and trends in counterfeiting and piracy during the COVID-19 pandemic. An indication of whether the commenter anticipates that such patterns and trends will continue post-pandemic.

7. Patterns and trends observed in counterfeiting and piracy due to shifts in the economy. An indication of whether the commenter anticipates that such patterns and trends will continue and if so, an explanation regarding the expected impact on current and future strategic plans to combat counterfeiting and piracy.

8. The commenter’s thoughts on whether any strategic plans to combat counterfeiting and piracy might include collaboration with private or public parties. If a strategic plan is not collaborative, why not? If collaborative, a discussion of the anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy strategies employed in the collaboration.

9. New collaborative efforts contemplated to combat counterfeiting and piracy and factors that will affect implementation decisions. Discussion of how future collaborations might be composed.

10. Effective technologies to prevent counterfeited and pirated goods from entering the stream of commerce and reaching the hands of consumers, such as counterfeit product identification devices or advanced algorithms to secure supply chains and provide the identity of counterfeit goods online. A discussion of how anticipated strategies will improve an overall anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy strategy.

11. How online enforcement activities intersect with trademark and copyright laws or procedures. Do online enforcement strategies include employing existing trademark laws to combat online counterfeiting? Do online enforcement strategies use existing copyright laws to combat online piracy? If so, describe these activities and suggestions for maximizing these practices.

12. Description of any fraudulent documentation or materials observed in the furtherance of online counterfeiting and piracy activity. For example, comment on whether, after reporting an infringement to a platform, a counter-notification was attached [...]

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Thank You to Our Readers

We greatly appreciate our readers over the past year and are pleased to share that we were recently recognized for our intellectual property thought leadership in the 2023 JD Supra Readers’ Choice Awardswhich acknowledge top authors and firms for their thought leadership in key topics during all of last year.

Sarah Bro, a regular contributor to IP Update, was recognized as a “Top Author” for trademarks. She focuses her practice on trademark prosecution, enforcement and brand portfolio management, as well as licensing, due diligence, copyright, right of publicity and domain name matters.

Through our various blogs and thought leadership pieces, we are dedicated to maintaining our position as a leading firm for intellectual property work and keeping clients abreast of significant and relevant topics in the industry.

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All the Benefits of a Reverse Triangular Merger, None of the IP Merger Mess

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed a district court’s summary judgment dismissal of plaintiff’s claim that the defendant failed to provide a payment conditioned on the sale, merger or transfer of certain intellectual property since ownership was not transferred via the merger. GSE Consulting, Inc. v. L3Harris Techs., Inc., Case No. 22-10647 (11th Cir. Feb. 8, 2023) (Rosenbaum, Lagoa, Wetherell, JJ.)

L3Harris specializes in defense and information technology and until recently was known as Harris Corporation. The name change from Harris to L3Harris was the result of a reverse triangular merger it executed over 2018 and 2019 whereby its subsidiary, Leopard Merger Sub, merged with its target, L3 Technologies.

In 2008, Harris and GSE combined forces to develop an oil sands heavy oil recovery process. In addition to yielding intellectual property relating to the process’s corresponding radio frequency heating technology, the collaboration resulted in a consulting agreement that would have extended through December 31, 2022. Under the consulting agreement, GSE provided its specialized infrastructure and energy consulting services on call and assigned all its rights to intellectual property developed under the agreement to Harris. In return, GSE received base pay and the right of first refusal for 10% of the direct labor workshare of Harris’s radio frequency heating projects.

The consulting agreement also included several payment conditions to benefit GSE or mitigate its risk. GSE believed that the Harris-L3 merger triggered the following condition to the tune of $4 million:

6.b. Payments calculation for the following to be 3% of market capitalization, capped at $4M:


  1. in the event the IP is sold, merged or transferred and the primary basis of the sale is not the IP.

GSE argued that the intellectual property relevant to the consulting agreement had “merged” because the Harris-L3 plan of merger addressed that intellectual property and included it in the merger. GSE therefore issued a $4 million invoice to L3Harris.

L3Harris rejected the invoice, arguing that while the plan of merger addressed the relevant intellectual property, the relevant language declared that the merger would have no effect on Harris and L3’s respective ownership interests: “all such rights will survive unchanged after the consummation of the [merger].” According to L3Harris, ownership of the relevant intellectual property did not change through the merger. Not long after rejecting GSE’s invoice, L3Harris also shut down its radio frequency heating program.

GSE subsequently filed a lawsuit alleging breach of contract, and the parties filed competing summary judgment motions. GSE maintained its position that it was owed $4 million but also argued that if the district court found the payment provision ambiguous then it should consider testimony from those who brokered the agreement demonstrating that a corporate merger was sufficient to trigger payment. L3Harris argued that the provision was unambiguous and thus Florida law prohibited considering extrinsic evidence. L3Harris also argued that its merger didn’t involve anything that triggered payment (i.e., the relevant intellectual property was not sold, merged or transferred).

The district court granted [...]

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Webinar Series: McDermott IP Focus 2023

McDermott Will & Emery is committed to providing insightful commentary on IP developments from around the world to our Japanese clients. In light of that effort, we are continuing our free monthly webinar series, McDermott IP Focus. During these sessions, we will explore global developments in IP including disputes, transactions and procurement, with a significant focus on what Japanese companies need to know during this ever-changing business landscape.

Upcoming sessions:

  • March 2—Life Sciences Session: Pharma Brands v. Generics: Developments Affecting the Balance Between Exclusivity and Market Entry
  • April 6—Trademark Session: New Options for Trademark Enforcement in the US under the Trademark Modernization Act
  • April 21—PTAB Session: Strategic Considerations Before Filing IPR Petitions

Over the course of the series, we will feature a variety of speakers from McDermott’s offices around the world. These sessions are presented in English and a Japanese summary is provided orally.

Click here for session details and to register.

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PTO Introduces Intellectual Property Identifier Tool

On January 18, 2023, the US Patent & Trademark Office announced the launch of its new Intellectual Property (IP) Identifier tool. This tool is designed for those who are less familiar with IP and assists users in determining whether they have IP and identifies what IP protections are available to support their business, invention or brand. The tool also briefly explains patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.

The IP Identifier tool comprises two modules: The Basic IP Identifier and the Advanced IP Identifier. The Basic IP Identifier module consists of six questions that allow users to quickly identify the type of IP they should protect. The Advanced IP Identifier module explains the specific types of IP and includes links to additional resources, including how to file an application for protection. A third module, Managing Your IP Assets, is currently under development.

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Calling All US IP Owners: Submit Your Comments on IP-Lax States

The Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) seeks public commentary regarding countries that deny adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights, or deny fair and equitable market access to US persons that rely on intellectual property protections. Comments are due by January 30, 2023.

Each year the USTR requests that intellectual property owners, stakeholders and other interested parties submit commentary regarding countries that weaken protections and benefits associated with intellectual property ownership and registration in the United States. The USTR interprets the feedback and compiles an annual report.

The USTR’s authority for such action arises out of Sections 301-305 of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. §§ 2411-2415). These “Special 301 Provisions” require the USTR to determine which, if any, of the countries submitted by commenters should be identified as Priority Foreign Countries. In furtherance of this goal, the USTR maintains a Priority Watch List and a Watch List. The Special 301 listings and actions announced in the annual report are the result of intensive deliberations among all relevant agencies within the US government, which in turn are informed by extensive consultations with participating stakeholders, foreign governments, the US Congress and other interested parties.

The 2022 report identified a wide range of concerns, including the following:

  • Challenges with border and criminal enforcement against counterfeits, including in the online environment
  • High levels of online and broadcast piracy, including through illicit streaming devices
  • Inadequacies in trade secret protection and enforcement in China, Russia and other countries
  • Troubling “indigenous innovation” and forced technology transfer policies that may unfairly disadvantage US right holders in markets abroad
  • Other ongoing, systemic issues regarding intellectual property protection and enforcement, as well as market access, with many trading partners around the world.

The 2022 report listed the following countries on the Priority Watch List: Argentina, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and Venezuela. The report listed the following countries on the Watch List: Algeria, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Guatemala, Mexico, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

The USTR is soliciting comments for this year’s report via the online Federal eRulemaking Portal in lieu of an in-person hearing.  Commenters are encouraged to include detailed information, including the following:

  • Specific references to laws, regulations and policy statements, including innovation policies; executive, presidential or other orders; and administrative, court or other determinations that should factor into the review
  • Particular regions, provinces, states or other subdivisions of a country in which an act, policy or practice is believed to warrant special attention
  • Data, loss estimates and other information regarding the economic impact on the United States, US industry and US workforce caused by the denial of adequate and effective intellectual property protection.

Commentators should act now, as the window to submit public commentary ends on January 30, 2023. Keep an eye out for the 2023 report, which is scheduled for release on or around April 18, 2023.

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PTO and Copyright Office Seek Public Comments on Non-Fungible Tokens

On November 23, 2022, the US Patent & Trademark Office and the US Copyright Office announced that they are seeking public input on intellectual property (IP) considerations related to non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The agencies will hold three public roundtables directed to patents, trademarks and copyrights, respectively, scheduled as follows:

  • January 10, 2023 – Patents and NFTs
  • January 12, 2023 – Trademarks and NFTs
  • January 18, 2023 – Copyrights and NFTs.

The roundtables will be livestreamed, and the agencies will post instructions for registration to view them live. Requests to participate as a panelist in any of the roundtables must be received by December 21, 2022, to be considered.

The agencies also issued a request for comments, soliciting answers to 13 questions of particular interest:

  1. Describe current and potential future uses of NFTs in your field or industry.
  2. Describe any IP-related challenges or opportunities associated with NFTs or NFT markets.
  3. Describe how NFT markets affect the production of materials subject to IP protection.
  4. Describe whether, how and to what extent NFTs are used by or could be used by IP rights holders to
    1. Document the authenticity of an asset
    2. Document the seller’s ownership of or authority to sell an asset
    3. Document the seller’s authority to transfer any relevant or necessary IP rights associated with an asset
    4. Document any limitations related to IP rights surrounding the sale, or the purchaser’s use, of an asset.
  5. Describe whether, how and to what extent NFTs present challenges for IP rights holders, or those who sell assets using NFTs, with respect to the activities described in question 4.
  6. Describe whether, how and to what extent NFTs are used by, could be used by, or present challenges or opportunities for IP rights holders to
    1. Obtain their IP rights
    2. Transfer or license their IP rights
    3. Exercise overall control and management of their IP rights
    4. Enforce their IP rights.
  7. Describe how and to what extent copyrights, trademarks and patents are relied on, or anticipated to be relied on, in your field or industry to
    1. Protect assets that are associated with NFTs
    2. Combat infringement associated with NFT-related assets offered by third parties
    3. Ensure the availability of appropriate reuse of NFT-related assets.
  8. Are current IP laws adequate to address the protection and enforcement of IP in the context of NFTs? If not, explain why and describe any legislation you believe should be considered to address these issues.
  9. Describe any IP-related impacts those in your field or industry have experienced in connection with actual or intended uses of NFTs. Describe any legal disputes that have arisen in the following contexts, and the outcome of such disputes, including citations to any relevant judicial proceedings:
    1. The relationship between the transfer of an NFT and the ownership of IP rights in the associated asset
    2. The licensing of IP rights in the asset associated with an NFT
    3. Infringement claims when either (i) an NFT is associated with an asset in which another party [...]

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Webinar Series | McDermott IP Focus

McDermott Will & Emery is committed to providing insightful commentary on IP developments from around the world to our Japanese clients. In light of that effort, we launched a monthly webinar series: McDermott IP Focus. During these sessions, we will explore global developments in the IP space, including disputes, transactions and procurement, with a significant focus on what Japanese companies need to know during this post-pandemic era.

Over the course of the series, we will feature a variety of speakers from McDermott’s offices around the world. We hope you can join us!

Click here for session details and to register.

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