Connor S. Romm

Patent by Secret Process: Perils of Pre-Patent Profiting
By Connor S. Romm on Aug 22, 2024
Posted In America Invents Act, Patents
The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed the International Trade Commission’s (ITC) determination that the asserted process patents were invalid under the America Invents Act (AIA) because products made using the patented process were sold more than one year before the patents’ effective filing dates. Celanese International Corporation, et al. v. International...
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The Game of Life: Winner Gets Everything Except Attorneys’ Fees
By Connor S. Romm on Jul 13, 2023
Posted In Copyrights
The US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit agreed with the trial court regarding the reasonableness of the plaintiff’s legal positions and found that the trial court did not abuse its discretion in denying the defendants, as the prevailing party, attorneys’ fees. The First Circuit determined that the positions advanced by the unsuccessful plaintiffs...
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