Ahsan Shaikh

Virtual Event | USIPA’s Increasing Diversity in Innovation – Capturing America’s Lost Inventors
By Ahsan Shaikh on Jul 13, 2021
Posted In Uncategorized
McDermott is sponsoring the United States Intellectual Property Alliance’s (USIPA) Increasing Diversity in Innovation conference, which is taking place July 26-29, 2021. This virtual event will offer attendees four half-days of programming from leading experts on how to affect meaningful change in your organization. Partner Ahsan A. Shaikh will be presenting his research and moderating...
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Protecting Your Technology: IP Considerations in Digital Health
By Ahsan Shaikh and Bernadette M. Broccolo on Mar 5, 2020
Posted In Patents
Digital health companies are producing innovative products at a rapidly accelerating pace and experiencing a boom in investments and demand as the regulatory environment becomes more supportive of digital health services to both improve patient care and stay profitable. Protecting intellectual property (IP) and building a feasible data strategy to support the research and development...
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