2022 IP Outlook Report: The Developments Shaping Trademark Law

By , and on February 15, 2022
Posted In Trademarks

Key Takeaways and Outlook for 2022

While Gen Z taught us all on TikTok how not to be “cheugy,” or out of touch with pop culture, similarly, trademark law in 2021 ushered in new and changed regulations, provided further guidance on traditional legal concepts and gave us a peek into how brands may help shape the future in the “metaverse”—and beyond. Trademarks (like Gen Z), keeping us all hip.

After another year of uncertainty marked by an ongoing pandemic, environmental strains, fights for social justice and a growing understanding of what it means to be truly equitable and inclusive, we expect that brands will continue to serve as cultural beacons, consumer protection tools and drivers of change in 2022. Developments to watch include:

  1. TMA & Other Leveled-Up PTO Measures to Combat Fraud
  2. Trademark Law and the First Amendment
  3. Tackling Counterfeit Dangers as Online Shopping Promotes Economic Boom
  4. Terrestrial Branding Takes on the Virtual World
  5. Procedure and Trademarks in 2021

Read the full report.

Sarah Bro
Sarah Bro is the office managing partner for the Firm’s Orange County office. She focuses her practice on trademark prosecution, enforcement and brand portfolio management, as well as licensing, due diligence, copyright, right of publicity and domain name matters. Read Sarah Bro's full bio.

Eleanor B. Atkins
Eleanor (Ellie) B. Atkins focuses her practice on trademark, copyright, sweepstakes and promotions, and false advertising matters. Ellie is experienced in client counsel, strategy and legal research, including portfolio management and the selection, clearance, prosecution, registration and enforcement of trademarks. Additionally, she has assisted with district court litigation as well as actions before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, including drafting complaints, discovery requests and briefs in support of various motions. Read Ellie Atkins' full bio.

Joshua Revilla
Joshua Revilla focuses his practice on intellectual property litigation matters. Read Joshua Revilla's full bio.